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The new martyr

Fr. Christopher Myers


My friends say they could never be brainwashed and become subservient. Anybody can be brainwashed under the right conditions.

 If a person has no belief in God especially in Jesus who leads us to God, a person is blinded of the reality of good and evil.

The spiritual world does exist.

A person/soul has absolutely no defense from diabolical thinking which ultimately leads to diabolical possession.

This is exactly what is being seen; the manifestation of the diabolical. There is more why this IS. BUT TO PUT IT SIMPLY is this; Satan is disparate for his time to rule the earth is coming to a close.

The war is between God and Satan and all of the evil souls and fallen angels. The souls on earth, weak, strong, or good/bad we are used by Satan as the battle ground.

Satan’s earthly rule is coming to a close and he is desperate to capture as many souls to be condemned. He is a narcissist, psychopath, sociopath, and enjoys such deadly passion.

Those who remain with Jesus and all of heaven will win the war. We will not win too many battles. War is spiritual. Battle is earthly.

Keep our soul strong and vibrant within our relationship with the Most Holy Trinity.

Persevere and pray for the grace a cloak of courage to be placed around your shoulders.

We will learn more and more as we reflect from this spiritual wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.

-Fr. Christopher Myers

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Joe M.D.