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For Nicolas

Scott Maney


Yesterday, my 19 year-old nephew Nicolas died from a drug overdose. A day after his birthday. Nineteen, just nineteen.

He wasn’t a drug kid. He wasn’t battling demons. He did what thousands and thousands of us have done at one time or another – went to a concert with friends, took something someone gave him, and settled in for a good night of fun. Except this time what he thought he took wasn’t at all what he took. How could he know? How could any of us know? Whatever it was, it was laced with Fentanyl. Ninety to 100 times stronger than morphine. Fifty times stronger than heroin. Cheap to make and easy to mix into a batch of anything to make it stronger. Ecstasy. Xanax. Coke. Four other kids died in San Diego in the last 24 hours from another batch of Fentanyl-laced Oxy. Drink a few beers and it magnifies the effects. And at some point you just fall asleep and your breathing slows and your heart crawls to a stop.

Even a nineteen year-old heart.

I have three children of my own, around this same age, born from a father who played loose with the rules when he was in their shoes. I’m not preaching from a high horse. I’m begging on my knees. Please, please, please don’t let Nicolas die in vain. Find another outlet. Have a margarita. Pass a joint if you must. But don’t take a pill or a powder no matter what you think you know or who you know. I’m watching unbearable things in real time. A family being torn apart. Faith shattered. Things that can never be undone.

Andrew, Julia and Chase – you are my world. Please don’t ever leave it.

Find someone you love and let them know.

For Nicolas.

Source: Facebook of Scott Maney

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Joe M.D.