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Capitalizing on Corona

And anything else they can use.

Referred by Rev. Christopher Myers

April 24, 2020
Church Militant
The Vortex

As the drama of the Wuhan pandemic continues to unfold, it is beyond clear that Marxist-minded media, politicians and world organizations are doing all they can to capitalize on Corona.

It’s kind of a practice run to see what leftist politicians can get away with as far as trampling rights, knocking down Trump and creating a socialist-type utopia. And yes, that’s exactly what’s going on, which is not to say the virus itself isn’t real and really a threat. It is. But that’s where the truth stops and the Left picks up the tale. Lie piled upon lie, echoed incessantly across a 24-hour news cycle by the Marxist media.

Make no mistake, if they don’t actually smell blood in the water going after Trump, they are certainly fishing for it, actually trying to create it. Everything, without exception, the Left engages in is always about securing power — power they can use to control you.

They have an entirely different worldview than the American tradition, and President Trump is correct in calling them out for it. Whether he’s talking and tweeting about the Deep State or calling the fake news the enemy of the people, if he could be better than 100% right, he would be.

As a quick reminder, recall what started the whole Mueller, Russia-Russia-Russia fraud was series of four simple tweets from Trump saying, in short, Obama had wiretapped his phones in Trump Tower in the runup to 2016. While the specific detail may not have been correct, the overriding point was true. The Trump Campaign was spied on by a combination of operatives in the Obama administration, and the excuse was a phony dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton and used to illegally secure a FISA court warrant to approve of the fraudulent criminal probe.

Virtually nothing the country has been told is correct.Tweet

Boy, are these guys good.

We bring that up to establish both method and motive when we turn our attention to Coronamania. Virtually nothing the country has been told is correct. It’s either been off the mark, or deliberate lies — the same lies and miscalculations that have been used to shut down an economy and the Church.

Consider: It began in a lab, not a wet market. The World Health Organization was covering for the Chinese commies, not dealing in actual data. Less than 100,000 Americans will have died from this, not millions. Trump executed the travel ban from China very quickly, he did not delay a response. Big-state, liberal governors themselves were the ones unprepared, not Trump. It was Trump and the White House that mobilized big industry, not Democrats.

We could go on and on. But you get the idea: Nothing the Marxist media reports about this — because their agenda drives their stories, not reality — nothing has been true.

For example, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is some knight riding in on a white horse. He was woefully unprepared for all this and even after Americans started dying he was still saying — along with Mayor Bill de Blasio in New York City — that there was nothing to worry about. Day after day he whined at his press conferences he needed 130 trillion ventilators.

In the end, Trump got him so many, he started shipping them out to other states — a combination of the dramatically lower-than-anticipated need and the glut shipped to him, thousands of which were just sitting unused and forgotten in a Jersey warehouse. Besides ventilators, Cuomo cried and carried on: “We need billions of beds; hundreds of billions of New Yorkers will need to be hospitalized.”

Not so much. Trump ordered the Navy hospital ship into New York harbor with its thousand-bed capacity, and for the first few days, only six patients boarded it. It has never come close to capacity this whole time.

Move over to the home state of Abortion Gretchen — Michigan — where the authoritarian freak show under her direction allows you to still by lotto tickets, deemed essential. But you can’t paint the inside of your house for fear of spreading the Wuhan. Likewise, there will be absolutely no selling of grass seed, but there will be selling of weed. And of course, abortion — that’s unlimited, have at it, it’s essential, period.

Question: How exactly does a murderous abortionist maintain social distancing from the mother when he’s razor blading the pieces of the baby inside her? Are his arms 6 feet long? How about the vacuum cleaner attachment — is it 6 feet long? How do you pack a waiting room full of a couple dozen moms online to kill their children and keep them all a safe social distance from each other?

But come on, Abortion Gretchen doesn’t care about those questions. Just don’t you dare defy those Third Reich-style, stay-at-home orders.

But since we are talking about capitalizing on Corona, it’s noteworthy that “half-wit Whitmer,” as Michiganders have taken to calling her, did try to pull a fast one on the people of the state she so loves and cares for.

Under the umbrella of fighting the pandemic, she funneled taxpayer dollars to Democratic operative-run data gathering and retrieval firms, who also outsourced some of the work to other democrat-owned companies that helped her win election in 2018.

The data, presumably collected to track private medical information and Wuhan victims, was going to be stored — and easily retrieved — by Whitmer friendlies in the next campaign. Half-wit got busted once some local Detroit business reporters started asking about the contract, which had been in effect since April 1, at which point Abortion Gretchen canceled it with no comment.

Search long and hard, by the way, through the Marxist-media trove of stories, and you won’t hear a word about any of it. Half-Wit is under consideration as VP running mate for the other literal half-wit, Beijing Biden, and the Marxists’ ‘enemy of the people’ media wouldn’t want to rain on that parade. But hmmm … Half-wit Gretchen and Half-wit Biden … Do two half wits make one full wit?

But notice, key to all these lies and distortions and bluster is the media and its unswerving allegiance to the Party of Death.

Six to one — remember that ratio.Tweet

Another fake narrative they managed to whip up — they are a creative lot after all — is that Wuhan is all about racism. First, Trump hates Chinese people because he closed the borders to them. By the way, after nearly a month and half, Beijing Boy Biden announced he agreed with the action. The Marxist media didn’t say much, though, when Mexico and Canada each closed their borders with us, or for that fact when Trump doubled down and closed the borders to Europe.

When he announced he was suspending all immigration to the United States for 60 days, the racism story roared into the headlines again. But see, when you look at the media, the news media, the lens through which most people view, the battle between left and right isn’t in real focus. Too many Americans see this as FOX News vs. CNN. That’s not correct. It’s actually FOX News vs. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and then a lot of lesser, but still numerous fake news outlets.

And even at FOX, it’s not the network itself because the news division is not that much less Marxist than the rest of their colleagues. It’s only the prime time lineup of Brett, Martha, Tucker, Sean and Laura that gives FOX the reputation of being “conservative.” It’s not really conservative overall.

But let’s play this out for a moment. If you want to see what President Trump is up against, don’t look through the ‘FOX vs. CNN’ lens, but rather the FOX vs. all the rest lens. That also includes MSNBC. From 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. each weekday night, FOX conservatives bring in nearly 22 million viewers. CNN/MSNBC bring in just 14 million in the same hours on the same days. So, feeling pretty good, right? Yes, well, not so fast.

On the same weekday nights, for just 30 minutes from 6:30 to 7 p.m., the three major network newscasts — all wildly liberal — have almost a whopping 30 million viewers. And remember, that’s just for those 30 minutes. Thirty million viewers in 30 minutes. Fox doesn’t get anywhere near that many over the space of 5 hours.

During the head-to-head competition, from 6:30 to 7 p.m., FOX has 4.8 million viewers and then CNN has 2.1 million, MSNBC has 1.8 million, ABC has 12.2 million, NBC has 9.8 million and CBS has 7 million. Add it all up and you have FOX’s 4.8 million and the liberal, Marxist media behemoth with a little more than 33 million. That’s essentially 5 million to 33 million — more than six times the number of viewers consuming the propaganda of the Marxist media.

This is why the President stands up at the press briefings and sings his own praises, because it’s virtually the only way his story is going to get out.

The 33 million watching the Marxist media from 6:30 to 7 p.m. any given night are guaranteed to never hear, for example, about Abortion Gretchen trying to profit and kick back to her corrupt political allies of the Wuhan virus. When you are able to influence or even control such a sizable portion of the audience compared to more conservative outlets, you have a pretty good chance of controlling the nation, culture and society with your narrative.

Six to one — remember that ratio. And that’s why it’s practically all political conservatives on the internet. They aren’t allowed in the so-called mainstream media. It’s also why almost every Marxist media effort on the internet crashes and burns. Because liberals don’t need to go to the internet. It’s everywhere else they go.

Anyone who thinks this is not going be a massive battle for Trump to get re-elected does not understand the underlying dynamics. This evil crowd will capitalize on any crisis and spin any event to keep pounding its drum. Trump is in the White House because the Queen of Heaven wanted him there, period.

He’s going to need her again in 193 days.

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