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Jesus remained behind . . . asking them questions. (Luke 2:43, 46)

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Did you know that Jesus asks more than three hundred questions in the Gospels? By contrast, he directly answers just a handful. That’s because instead of giving easy, straightforward answers, he prompts people to search their hearts, examine their attitudes, and deepen their relationships with God and each other.

Jesus even questioned his sinless mother, Mary, when she and Joseph found him in the Temple after three anxious days of searching: “Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49).

It could sound as if Jesus were giving his mother back talk or showing Mary and Joseph some measure of disrespect. How many of us would give our children a stern rebuke if we were treated that way? But Mary responded differently. At first, like the elders in the Temple, she was “astonished” at Jesus’ question (Luke 2:47, 48). But she moved beyond her initial surprise and took up a more prayerful attitude: she “kept all these things in her heart” (2:51).

This is probably one of the clearest illustrations of Mary’s immaculate heart. She trusted that Jesus had the best of intentions when he stayed behind at the Temple. She didn’t nurse a grudge against him for putting her and Joseph through the ordeal of searching for him. She didn’t act defensively or presume that Jesus was disrespecting her when he asked his question. She didn’t feel the need to put Jesus in his place or to use harsh words to establish her authority over him. She just took her concerns to God in prayer and asked him to help her understand.

Like Mary, you may not understand everything God seems to say or do in your life. But as you take the time to ponder and pray, the Holy Spirit will help you. What’s more, you can ask Mary to intercede for you. She’s the perfect model of someone who embraced Jesus’ words with a pure and trusting heart, and she can help you do the same.

“Holy Mary, pray that I may have a heart as pure as yours.”

Source: The Word Among Us

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Joe M.D.