If we love one another, God remains in us, and his love is brought to perfection in us. (1 John 4:12)

Fwd from Trần Kim Thục

The flames depicted in images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus are a beautiful illustration of Jesus’ burning love for us. Those flames, which illustrate just how intense and all-consuming the Lord’s love is for each one of us, are probably one of the strongest reasons for the enduring popularity of this devotion.

Today’s second reading tries to capture in words the same truth that the flames capture in images: “In this way the love of God was revealed to us: God sent his only Son into the world so that we might have life through him” (1 John 4:9). The Son of God came to earth as a human being. He loved us with his own human heart, and he wants our hearts to burn with that same love. He wants this love—our love for him and his love for us—to be “brought to perfection in us” (4:12).

How does that happen? John makes that clear as well: “He has given us of his Spirit” (1 John 4:13). Through the love that the Holy Spirt pours into us, we can learn to love people just as Jesus loves them—and as he loves us (Romans 5:5). This doesn’t happen overnight, of course. As we strengthen our relationship with Jesus, we are brought little by little into the perfect love that God wants all of us to show each other.

This means that when you feel tempted to be critical of someone but choose instead to be compassionate, it’s a sign that Jesus’ love is burning in you. When you reach out to help someone even though you are tired, inconvenienced, or annoyed, it’s a sign that Jesus’ love is abiding in you.

As you contemplate Jesus’ Sacred Heart today, remember that his love for you isn’t meant to end with you. Through the Holy Spirit, he wants to fan the flames of his love so that you can share it with everyone you encounter.

“Come, Holy Spirit, and draw me closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Fill me with a burning desire to love everyone in my path.”

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Joe M.D.