Palm Sunday, 5 April 2020

Rev. Peter Sơn Võ

Palm Sunday celebrates the day that Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem. With enthusiasm, the people welcomed Jesus and showed their support for him, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” After few days, they turned against him so quickly “Crucify him! Crucify him!” Listening to the Passion of Christ, we might ask ourselves what do we do to welcome Jesus into our lives? How we are called to live as members of the Catholic Church?

Pope Francis acknowledged that Christians would celebrate Holy Week “in a truly unusual way”. He reminded the message of the Gospel “God’s boundless love.” He invites us to prepare a better time “in love and patience”. Make a gesture of tenderness towards those who suffer, towards children, and towards the elderly.

Palm Sunday marks the first day of Holy Week. During the Holy Week, the Church invites us to focus on Jesus; we remember the passion, the death and the resurrection of our Lord. God loves us; God’s plan of salvation for us. God sent his only Son Jesus Christ into our world. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Jesus calls us to be like him and to love and serve him in others.

In spirit, we are united with God and one another even though we cannot go to Church because of the coronavirus. May God bless each of us abundantly in the Holy Week.

Fr Peter

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Joe M.D.