After many of the attempted and completed suicides of teenagers known to the world through the media in recent weeks, I have this say as a request from some parents.
Below this writing are some stories I encourage you to read.This is good a good read in order to know what it may be like to grow up with same-gender orientation. It is real.
How often have I counseled young people dependents of military families who knew they were homosexual? There have been many.
How many military personnel, married and single, have I counseled who knew they were homosexual? There have been many.
Do I believe they are psychologically conditioned from culture to be homosexual?
Do I believe they chose to be homosexual? NO.
They are exactly the way God made them to be.
Why? That is a mystery of life that God has not revealed at this time in human history.
Is there much scientific and medical evidence that it is genetic and hereditary? YES. And yet it is still a mystery of life just as heterosexual identity is a mystery of life. They do not know 100% why a person is one way or the other. They nuclei of sexual orientation in the gene has not be found but much around the nuclei is being discovered. They just cannot locate the nuclei in the DNA.
There are some very good reasons why the nuclei remains a mystery to be found of sexual orientation. One good reason is that there would be more abortions if it could be determined the sexual orientation of a fetus/baby through DNA testing.
Another good reason would be the unfairness to a child who may experience prejudices attitudes by ones parents or siblings or peers. The child would never have a fair chance of growing up during the age of discovery of ones own talents and skills.
The child would be labeled from birth.
Labeling a person is mean and unjust.
There are many more reasons why it is good that God keeps this a mystery and hidden from man. Man would live life very carelessly. An example would be to manipulate the genetic code if the nuclei could be discovered. That is just one example among others.
We, as a human race, at this time in human history, are too immature to handle such truth.
For those who do know they have same-gender orientation, trust that the Holy Spirit comes to those to know they are loved by God and that you belong to God’s beautiful masterpiece of art.
As far as what the rest of the world thinks, let it go. Let no anxiety attack you. You belong to God as His beautiful creature.
For you parents who may suspect your child to be of same-gendered orientated, love your child and allow your child to grow in the virtuous life as any other child. God will take care of the rest of the journey through love of the Holy Spirit and the Blessed Mother.
Always teach to your child that their best companion in life is Jesus. Jesus is and will always be their true companion through out life. Jesus will never abandon God’s beautiful creatures who are filled with art and talent who are being prepared to bloom where they are planted.
Two things all people want to know the most; "Am I capable of loving authentically" and "Am I capable of being loved authentically". The answer is yes to both.
Trust the Holy Spirit to guide and protect. Remain prayerful and holy. By doing so will allow oneself to be respected by oneself and respected by others.
When I, as a priest, can say and do no more, I always entrust the same-gendered person to the Blessed Mother’s care as instructed by Her. She has always kept Her promise to show care and love. They have turned out beautifully.
Father Christopher P Myers, SOLT
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